Look inside yourselves first/Now I see

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Re-thinking Revelations: Should we require that a warning be inserted after Jude?

Re-thinking Revelations: Should we require that a warning be inserted after Jude?

Immediately following the “Epistle of Jude”:Warning: Interpreting the following “Revelation” in any context other than that of Antiquity, especially whatever context the reader is currently living in, can trigger a sort of mental destabilization which can progress in yourselves, and to those you are spiritually intimate with. This destabilization can take on a subtle mien, and the effects of it may or not be considered deleterious depending 0n your locality. 

(It also has an effect on how people view life and their duties in life. Its not difficult: if a significant portion of society, maybe 5-10% think the world will end soon,  they may act differently.  The real issue is the effect on the not-so-believing, who just vaguely like to believe that the scenario the believers imagine will happen.  Life is tough all around, and sometimes much more than tough. * Many of us have enjoyed some spans of time casually associating with the beliefs that have a core of dedicated believers supporting its relevance and existence. The jew who “trys in on” for a spell.  The xmas/easter christian who had a mystic experience (with goosebumps!) hearing “o holy night” in service, which had you counting yourself as devotee for a span.

Many of us have believed revelations to varying degrees and this has profound consequences.

Believing that all those people that have made your life difficult will be tossed in a “hell” as nasty as one wishes to imagine can give reason for someone to believe the common notion of armageddon.



-A survey of History  will reveal each age’s society is in the grip of expectant judgement.



-Interpreting this and related texts against your, our,  present  context can lead to an escalating and “snowballing” conviction of what will be an imagined relevance.
(Note:This does not imply that one can not generally draw relevance from ancient texts.)

There is a danger to just this specific sort of text: one in which the reader is drawn into the solution of a riddle or a code but given incomplete or insufficient hermeneutical cues; the reader being assumed to be alive near to the date the work was created; a person interested in, and cognizant of, the concerns and the history discussed therein; a person supposed to either be in possession of these hermeneutic keys or of historic information which would allow the coded passages to be understood.

-Riddles and Codes generally do not produce any sort of undesirable effect on the mind, not any that we’ve detected so far, nor does riddling and coding have such an effect, though it can encourage the mind towards a sort of unhealthy fixation.

-It is through reading the coded text with the “Faith” that is common and asked of the adherents to the religion the text is sacred to that some problems arise.

The Mechanism of riddling, and code-solving, and puzzle solving in general, is one that employs many different thinking states to achieve the solution. The mechanism is still undetermined in the why, but not the how.

Using Blind Faith when analyzing the sort of dead-context riddles and “mysteries” as found in Revelations creates an environment where the common “riddle fixation” which is normal and not unhealthy with a rational mind, now goes haywire. With Faith replacing the reasoning, there now is nowhere firm to affix ones fixation, and the obsession replaces the original relevant context with ones own context, including ones own life. The person then feels a sense of relevance, seeing their own reflection within the ancient text, and the madness is born. ”

I know firsthand that the above is true. I was drawn into black holes of speculation in my youth during attempts to riddle out various things. I use riddle loosely here, and above.

The issue is the placement of relevance in ones own context. Once that occurs, to any strong degree, something happens which builds on itself.

I have so much to say and do, and fear that I am missing or am going to miss a financial opportunity by spilling it all for free on the net.

If these are ideas that are that good, then I suppose its good to get them out, but this is planet earth, where certain rules apply such as “take care of yourself”, and I often fail to do that.

If these are good, let me know, if not, thats fine too.




*I hope you can be honest with yourself, dig past whatever edited construct  you are currently operating from, and truly search out those corners of your inner past, not the best you can be (and what we try to imagine ourselves as) but that person you know you have been, and could be;  common, low, mean. If you are like me you can recall a time or times(and maybe quite  well) when you were inclined to believing the general scheme of “judgement day” that people talk about.  I bet you grabbed the bible and looked up the part about 666, and “mark of the beast”, and…well, probably just that. Maybe the four horsemen.       I bet you were perplexed by the dialogue between some angels and St. John about scrolls and seals and vials; vials pouring the blood of the saints mingling with the wrath of the whores.  Or something. And horrible happenings happening in 1/3rd’s and one half’s, with the seas and the oceans and the cups mingling, unmixed. And the woe’s, and then he looked and behold! How many times is he going to behold!

Or maybe you looked up the 666 part and so read the part preceding it. It should be as nonsensical to everyone as it was to you that first time, but its not. Not meaning to, they slowly imbued the nonsense with meaning, until they could decode it. In essence, they started with a meaningless text that simply claimed to be a code, one we don’t have the contextual keys to unlock.   To solve this dilemma; to allow them the chance to derive some new hidden meaning  from this old obvious delirium, they dream up a possible encoded message from the current events of the day which then is mixed this with their usually pop-gleaned grasp of historic events; all blended with a self-relevance depending on their particular personality quirks to produce the ready to solve riddle.

With a riddle built of solvable parts, finally a fair challenge, they then proceed to produce the key, which developed naturally alongside their self-made riddle, and which is probably not a distinct mental artifact. The riddle more or less screams out the solution to their heads, the points of relevance built thusly to insure they will walk into bible study next week ablaze with the spirit.

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Re-thinking Revelations: Should we require that a warning be inserted after Jude?

Re-thinking Revelations: Should we require that a warning be inserted after Jude?

Immediately following the “Epistle of Jude”:Warning: Interpreting the following “Revelation” in any context other than that of Antiquity, especially whatever context the reader is currently living in, can trigger a sort of mental destabilization which can progress in yourselves, and to those you are spiritually intimate with. This destabilization can take on a subtle mien, and the effects of it may or not be considered deleterious depending 0n your locality. 

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Revaluation of Revelation

The unfortunate final book of the Bible, The Revelation, should have a warning in its front saying:

“He who has ears to hear, and eyes to read:

The following Book (Revelations) is to be read within the context of 100 -200 a.d.

Try to understand and apply it in 1000 a.d, or god help you, 2000a.d  is dangerous to your sanity, and if used in a wide application, dangerous to that future era.

After 200 a.d please do not try to solve, figure out, or apply to any other context.”

I am serious. He who has ears to hear, hear me, please.

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The Faiths Afire

Every single one of you has the Power to contribute to the restoration of reason and prudence.

Nothing is more prudent than to help man relieve himself of his deluded mistakes.

Stand up for your belief, don’t be  ambivalent towards the problem of  religion.

Its error is clearly elucidated.  Do so often in the presence of those who may be on the fence.

Influence them.

Do so skilfully in the presence of those deep of delusion (what they call faith ).

Its ok. Change has your back.  Let the house of cards fall fully.

It is already starting. Minds are ready.

Strike lightning upon the kindling wood.

Light the Faiths Afire.

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The Fires of Friction (Against Christianity)


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Thoughts, not acts.

Always I hear its about the actions the actions the actions, not the words, not about sitting there thinking.


Sure, but do you enjoy generalizing, either doing it or buying it, so much that you can’t see what you are doing?


Thinking creates much that is human culture around us. Very few serious thinkers are able to to turn their thought into action in others, but thinking is downplayed in a disgusting, unthinking way. 😉


Of course, I have to say my usual piece on ideological responsibility. I wish to start some awareness of this, please consider contacting me, or just taking it on your own, making it your own and running with it.

Ideas, their creators, often create revolutions of change. These ideas often aren’t managed responsibly.

Ideological responsibility. It will save humanity.



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The Fires of Friction (Against Christianity)

Change is the King of Earth, and all the kingdoms it Reigns Sovereign over Must always listen to the kings proclaimations and bring their arrogant and rebellious knee straight down to the ground of humbled obedience.

Change, not “christ”, is King.

King Change Speaks Plainly.

Of Tradition Wisdom will Instruct.

Their needs be a great falling of many Unwise Tyrants of Traditions.

And a Great Rising of a Great Wisdom, rearing a Great Many Wise Men and Women in the Art of Discerning the Errors Past, Present, And To Be.

Wisdom, wielded by Justice and Tempering Power, will teach mankind to Speak Frankly of his experience, to not “veil his vices in virtuous words”.

With The Ability to Discern, to Judge and Choose Wisely, and Speak Honestly(true honesty), The world will Thrive.

Forgive those who’ve held on foolishly to tradition and don’t make them feel bad for doing so. For you, me, we all are doing something foolishly unsustainable.

But to resist King Change, is to always live in the fire of Friction.

May the Edifices standing against change Push all the harder, the friction igniting the Wooden Kindling ripe for the Fire Pit.

May the Many fighting our Good King be shown Mercy, either in withdrawing from kindling, or quickly going up in a cloud of smoke

Change is Life.

Permanence is impossible, and the hope, dream and attempt at it is Death.

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Reason from Rhyme is a Treason each Time

Reason from Rhyme is a  Treason each Time.

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Reason from Rhyme: a Treason each Time

Reason from Rhyme: a Treason each Time.

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